I hadn't realized just how long it had been since my last post here...my attention was temporarily diverted to another blog where I was required to write about my experiences during my education field placement, and I'm afraid I have neglected my readers here! So very much has happened since then. A semester has passed and my life has been touched by so many wonderful people. Joseph is still in Israel, we Skype when we have the chance, but now he calls me girlfriend. I met my Godson, Sebastian, and got to hold him for the first time...he was two weeks old. Life is beautiful, I've faced obstacles, there have been long tear-filled nights, but I'm so thankful for all of it! Goodbye 2011, we had some good times, we had some bad times, but I think I'm ready to move on! :)
I've never been one to make and keep New Years resolutions (mostly the second part), but there ARE a few things I want to remember in the new year. I promise to be true to myself, to follow my heart wherever it leads me, to always try to be the person I want to be, to find happiness in unexpected places, to love and be loved, and to never give up hope. I have one life, and I plan to make the most of every minute...I don't want to look back and wonder where my life went, to realize that I had wasted precious time. This year, I hope you all live life to its fullest and surround yourself with people who love you and will be there to get you through the next challenge, the next obstacle, the next crisis. To all the people in my life...I LOVE YOU and I absolutely couldn't do it without you! <3
Best wishes for the New Year,

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